Fake Moon Landings
We know that the the "digital" technology of ALL of NASA wass a millionth of what the power of one cell phone of today. They couldn't possibly have synchronized and calculated real time data with the capability of the technology they had. They had a combined total of technology that is one millionth of a single smart phone today. Engineers and communications experts already know. There's also no way they could communicate from an alleged 230,000 miles away. I think the ship had fewer parts than a Jeep. Combine those facts with "losing" EVERY single bit of data and records from ALL the moon trips and Aldrin, Armstrong and the other liar behaved as if they were at a funeral during the entire press conference after the big trip. They did not behave as if the accomplished such a monumental accomplishment. So, since we know for fact that the moon landings were a hoax, what else could they lie about and pull the wool over our eyes about? I'll make a post soon and try covering all of the different discrepancies, problems, facts and logical conclusions of all that I know after 5 months. I'm not sure what else I can learn but I'm not stopping now. I want a full year of research and scrutiny of the enclosed flat earth and cosmos we live in. Anyone that thinks this topic is a fantasy and a waste of time is likely too consumed by everyday life and worldly concerns. Most folks don't have the time for even part time research intro FE. Instead, folks are mentally blocked from taking this seriously. To question everything you knew for your whole life and consider the evidence seriously requires time and energy that most don't have. Enter the short quips and the "blowing off" of every legitimate question, issue, PROOF and FACTS of FE. Laugh it off and forget about it. And that's understandable as it makes no difference in our everyday lives whether it's a globe or flat and enclosed. Deeper thought will tell you and persuade you that this is of the utmost importance to mankind. The globe delusion goes hand in hand with the big bang, evolution, "deep space", life in the vast endless "universe", multi-verses, super massive black holes, dark matter, dark energy, I haven't even mentioned the blatant FE references in Hollywood movies etc. With everything we now know about the lying media and the entertainment industry mocking average people and acting as if Hollywood has "special knowledge" and the history of lies and conspiracies since the beginning of time, how can we believe anything we learned in the Rockefeller school systems we were spoon fed. Make no mistake, this is spiritual warfare on a grand scale. The very nature of God's creation is a deception of satan. Baal worship is widespread in music and entertainment. I will expose Disney more in my Conspiracy thread eventually. They get us when we're children and most people cannot break free of the brainwashing and indoctrination.
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